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昨年6月「HEXE」に続き、ノルウェーのJanne Hoem/DITHENとØystein Elle/Capto musicae との


Since "HEXE" in last June 2018, this is our new project with Janne Hoem/DITHEN and Øystein Elle/Capto musicae from Norway.

プロジェクトの胚胎は、舞踏Duet 睦美・寧呂の手に渡った、ある「面」へと遡ります。

「面」の出自を探ってゆくと、和歌山出身の面作者、下田幸雄氏(2014年没)へ辿りつきます。下田幸雄氏は生涯を教師として過ごし、その生活者としての暮らしの中、40歳頃に能面の制作を始め、後に人芸面と呼ばれる大衆の面の制作へと移っていきました。時に夢に見た顔、日々の生活の中で出会う顔を、黙々と休むことなく作り続けました。最近まで箱の中で眠っていた大量の面を、子息の下田ごつごつ氏が再発見した瞬間に「幸雄の夜」は始まったと言えます。面を付けた寧呂の踊りの映像を、ノルウェーの演出家Janne Hoemが目にした時、事態は加速し遥かな北欧の大地と結縁したのです。












日時|平成31年4月28日(日)17時開演 入場無料





The seed of The nights of Yukio takes us to a mask gifted to Neiro. When we traced the roots of the mask, we found the now passed away (2014) mask maker Yukio Shimoda from Wakayama. He had been through all his life as a teacher, and when he was in his forties he started to make Noh-men, then later shifted to Ningei-men which is for their village festivals. Sometime a face he saw in his dream, sometime a face he met in his daily life. He never stopped to make masks until he passed away. When recently Gotsu Gotsu Shimoda found a large box of masks in the home of his father, that was the moment when "The Nights of Yukio" began. when Norwegian director Janne Hoem saw a footage of NEIRO's mask dance, the story took a sudden turn and met with the land of Northern Europe. "The mask is the land, the mask is the people", Gotsu Gotsu Shimoda whispered. In honor of Yukio Shimoda and in honor of following dreams we are dedicating this performance to the holy land of Kumano Wakayama.

Masks|Yukio Shimoda

Director|Janne Hoem

Voice|Øystein Elle,Elfi Sverdrup

Sound|Gotsugotsu Shimoda,Shu Moriguchi


Special appearance|Children in Tanabe,

          Seiji Tanaka

Painting|"Shouen" Kayo Bandoh

Producer|Nina Ziegemann/ DITHEN

Place|"Ohyunohara" Formar Kumano Hongu Taisha 1110Hongu,Honguchou,Tanabe,Wakayama

Date|2019-4-28-Sun-17:00(Start) Entrance Free

Contact|070-5075-9382(galerie ame)


Access|Take the JR Kinokuni Line and get off at Shingu Station. Take Kumano Kotsu or Nara Kotsu bus at the     station front and get off at Ohyunoharamae.

    From Hongu Taisha,walk across the main road and down to the river, ahead towards Ootorii.

企画承諾・協力|熊野本宮大社  助成|FFUK(ノルウェー)

後援|田辺市 田辺市教育委員会 紀伊民報 FMTANABE 駐日ノルウェー大使館

協賛|かたつむりの会(NPO法人) おおさわピアノ工房

Website制作|ROCKET DIVE  制作|DITHEN 『幸雄の夜』制作委員会 ギャルリ雨

Collaboration | Kumano Hongu Taisha  


Honorable patronage | City of Tanabe, Educational committee of Tanabe City,

Kii Minpou, FM TANABE, Norwegian Embassy

Cosponsorship| Katatsumuri no kai(NPO), Oosawa Piano Factory

Web design| ROCKET DIVE

Production|DITHEN, Production committee of The Nights of Yukio, garelie ame

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